Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Drama queens

I live by a simple philosophy: Don't sweat the small stuff. This is especially true when there are bigger, more important issues to worry about. With that in mind, people who were crying because NY can't host the Olympics in 2012, you're a bunch of losers. Ditto for Paris. People who shed actual tears of joy when London was picked as host, you too need lives.

In other news, MPR reports on the shutdown:
A judge ordered the state to pay for core services relating to the life, health and safety of Minnesotans. That includes nursing homes, health care for the poor and road construction.

...and the zoo! Why do y'all keep forgetting the zoo?!

Apparently we've also made a new record by keeping the state under lockdown for more than 3 days. I say we should not neglect to mention the other record we can be proud of, that of having the most boneheaded governor and legislative leaders imaginable in office at the same time.

To add to all the merriment, here's a letter from the Strib:

An Iowan's lament

As someone who travels through your state several times during the year, I must say Minnesota is not showing its best to visitors right now. Closing all rest areas over a three-day holiday weekend was just plain stupid -- a black mark on your tourism and hospitality.

Although I don't live in Minnesota, I do like visiting. I hope those who do live in this fine state let their lawmakers know how childishly they're acting.

Jeff Binstock, Mason City, Iowa.

Gee, you know we haven't really thought about it that much. Well, thanks for bringing this to our attention, we'll see what we can do. We always appreciate it when people from other states rub it in.

Wow, I can't believe I'm so bitter :)

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