Thursday, March 24, 2005
Is our children learning?
Why do people have to snore in class? I mean, come on! I was up til 3 a.m. last night and I managed to stay awake. Not that I have a problem with people sleeping in class, but when you have two people snoring to your right and left, it makes it kinda hard to pay attention.*
Wait, looks like the instructor is talking about someting important (the girl to my right stopped playing solitaire on the computer {we're in a computer lab}).
Now, sleeping in class is actually better than keeping your arm raised the whole time (while awake). Some people just can't resist making fools out of themselves. Being the nice gal that I am, I don't hiss when one of the annoyingly eager expresses their desire to express what they believe are thoughtful...thoughts.
Wide-eyed obnoxious kid in front row (WOKFR): "I don't understand. Can you describe the grading criteria one more time."
Professor: "There will be no grade given on this exam. At the end of the semester, I will look at where the class stands as a whole and that will determine how the grades are distributed."
WOKFR: "Like..........Ok. But I was thinking more like letter grades. Uh, you know what I mean? I mean what's my grade on this exam?"
Professor: "I will not be giving out grades until the end of the semester. That's when we'll curve everyone's grades. Does this make sense?"
WOKFR: "Oh. the end of the semester, how would you grade, like, is a 90% an A, or what?"
Awkward, ominous pause.
Professor (exasperation in his voice): "There are no cutoffs in this class. At the end of the semester, there will be a certain number of A's, B's, C's, and so on. What your score is on exams, assignments, etc., doesn't matter. Your relative standing in the class as a whole does."
WOKRF: "Oh, I see."
This lasted at least five minutes. I just swore solemnly under my breath the whole time.
* I did not make this up.
Wait, looks like the instructor is talking about someting important (the girl to my right stopped playing solitaire on the computer {we're in a computer lab}).
Now, sleeping in class is actually better than keeping your arm raised the whole time (while awake). Some people just can't resist making fools out of themselves. Being the nice gal that I am, I don't hiss when one of the annoyingly eager expresses their desire to express what they believe are thoughtful...thoughts.
Wide-eyed obnoxious kid in front row (WOKFR): "I don't understand. Can you describe the grading criteria one more time."
Professor: "There will be no grade given on this exam. At the end of the semester, I will look at where the class stands as a whole and that will determine how the grades are distributed."
WOKFR: "Like..........Ok. But I was thinking more like letter grades. Uh, you know what I mean? I mean what's my grade on this exam?"
Professor: "I will not be giving out grades until the end of the semester. That's when we'll curve everyone's grades. Does this make sense?"
WOKFR: "Oh. the end of the semester, how would you grade, like, is a 90% an A, or what?"
Awkward, ominous pause.
Professor (exasperation in his voice): "There are no cutoffs in this class. At the end of the semester, there will be a certain number of A's, B's, C's, and so on. What your score is on exams, assignments, etc., doesn't matter. Your relative standing in the class as a whole does."
WOKRF: "Oh, I see."
This lasted at least five minutes. I just swore solemnly under my breath the whole time.
* I did not make this up.
Life in a democracy
So what do people think about democracy? Pretty neat, huh? Some idiot radical can come up to you at work, rest his elbows on your desk (well, there's a counter surrounding my desk), and try to convince you you're a Nazi for being a liberal. Or, an anarchist can tell you why she would like to take down anti-abortion groups' flyers posted around campus.
I love it, crazies and all. I mean seriously, there's some romance to it when you step back and take in the whole picture. For example, isn't it cute how we all think it's our business whether some poor brain-damaged woman in Florida should be fed? And we fight over it. Passionately. What a great country.
I love it, crazies and all. I mean seriously, there's some romance to it when you step back and take in the whole picture. For example, isn't it cute how we all think it's our business whether some poor brain-damaged woman in Florida should be fed? And we fight over it. Passionately. What a great country.
Why my future is a blur
So, I'm in college. 4th year but not graduating. When I tell people my major is Sociology they get this "what are you a dumbass?" look on their face. It doesn't bother me.
Early in my college career I read some jackass's book about how college should be about your dreams and not about job considerations, and that you can land a decent job with any major [expletive deleted]! [expletive deleted]. I bought into it, picked a soc major, and now realize what a horrible situation I'm in. Considering that there is a possibility that I won't get into law school (or maybe not right away), I'm left with nothing concrete to put on my resume.
Does anyone have any suggestions? No, don't give me the usual advice about internships, etc. Already been down that road. I want easy money. And fast. Suggestions?
Early in my college career I read some jackass's book about how college should be about your dreams and not about job considerations, and that you can land a decent job with any major [expletive deleted]! [expletive deleted]. I bought into it, picked a soc major, and now realize what a horrible situation I'm in. Considering that there is a possibility that I won't get into law school (or maybe not right away), I'm left with nothing concrete to put on my resume.
Does anyone have any suggestions? No, don't give me the usual advice about internships, etc. Already been down that road. I want easy money. And fast. Suggestions?