Sunday, September 04, 2005

My jail internship starts Friday. In an attempt to alleviate my family's vocal concerns about my security there, I gave them some stats on what the most common crimes are for which these people are incarcerated and how long the average inmate stays there (35 days). The first time I was there for an interview, one of the inmates coming back from work even smiled at me. "Maybe they think you're one of them," my mom said. Now, I dress up respectably enough for interviews (despite the fact that my family periodically donates some of my clothes to Lupus Foundation and the Salvation Army behind my back to get me to buy new clothes), although I have been told that some of my blog posts could pass for those a sociopath would write. I would hate to think that that's the kinda first impression I make, though. Hmm..

My new job is going well. My boss seems to think I'm someone else, though. She somehow got the impression that I have a strong work ethic1 and has offered a bunch of accommodations she says she wouldn't usually make for an employee, especially in her first few weeks. I told her I was considering employment with Kaplan as a weekend/evenings LSAT teacher, and she asked me if more pay and a work-from-home option would change my mind. They're already paying me more than they do their other student employees, so that was kinda surprising. Heck yeah I'll take the offer. Finances are kinda tight right now and less work for more pay sounds like godsend.

1. I don't.

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