Thursday, September 15, 2005


The 40-hour work week

What a bad idea (when combined with a full-time class load). I have enough coffee in me right now that, were it alcohol, my BAC would be somewhere around .20. Tomorrow: another day at the jail trying in vain to convince the few residents of the women's unit to attend a rehab class instead of watching some guy expose his beer belly on Jerry Springer. I went to Barnes and Noble to look for a book called The Ex-Offender's Job-Hunting Guide so I could prepare a somewhat need-specific curriculum for the resume class. They didn't have it, and the customer service rep looked at me funny when I asked him. Oh well.

In Bush's speech tonigh, at one point he said:

Four years after the frightening experience of September the 11th, Americans have every right to expect a more effective response in a time of emergency.

When the federal government fails to meet such an obligation, I as president am responsible for the problem and for the solution. So I have ordered...
WHOA, whoa...STOP!! I can't believe what just happened! The president actually took responsibility for something! Wow. Katrina make him crazy.1

1. Jon Stewart of the Daily Show first used the words, "Tsunami make him crazy," when Bush, in the aftermath of last year's tsunami, said something about solidarity with the rest of the world or something.

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