Friday, September 23, 2005


Has Musharraf lost his mind?

First, he tells the Washington Post:
"Leave the developing world aside; I think we are better than all of them. Bring the developed world and let us compare Pakistan's record, under me, a uniformed man, with many of the developed countries. I challenge that we will be better off."
Delusional. Then, when speaking of the Mukhtaran Mai case, he said:
"You must understand the environment in Pakistan. This has become a moneymaking concern. A lot of people say if you want to go abroad and get a visa for Canada or citizenship and be a millionaire, get yourself raped."
Very, very stupid. I think when he says "a lot of people" he's referring to himself. Protests ensued, both in Pakistan and abroad. Musharraf recanted:
"Let me say with total sincerity that I never said that and it has been misquoted," Musharraf said while addressing a gathering of women in New York.

"These are not my words and I would go to the extent of saying I am not so silly and stupid to make comments of this sort," he said in remarks to the forum recorded by private Pakistani television channel Geo.
As it turns out, he is so silly and stupid to make comments of this sort. Washington Post proved this using a tape recording of his interview. They even got a little vengeful and disclosed some more damaging parts of the interview not initially reported:
In the interview, Musharraf said that he is "on the side of women" but that Pakistan is being unfairly "singled out when this curse is happening everywhere in the world." Speaking of another high-profile rape case, he said that he had arranged for a visa and for $50,000 to be given to Shazia Khalid -- a Pakistani medical doctor who was raped by a masked intruder, allegedly an army officer -- so she could leave the country. Khalid has applied for asylum in Canada.

Then, as the reporters prepared to move to the next question, Musharraf interjected the comments about rape as a moneymaking concern, saying it was the "popular term" in Islamabad.

"It is the easiest way of doing it," he continued. "Every second person now wants to come up and get all the [pause] because there is so much of finances. Dr. Shazia, I don't know. But maybe she's a case of money, that she wants to make money. She is again talking all against Pakistan, against whatever we've done. But I know what the realities are."
Is the guy sick? A woman would get herself raped/gang-raped—in Pakistan, of all places—so she can move to Canada? WTF!? And then he talks about trying to protect Pakistan's global image. Son of a #$?@%! Hang the f*ing bastard!

he is God givin president so he dont care for people
doesnt* care
You are a true-blue american to use all those words. Why not such a bouquet for Bush the mass murderer liar and all his children, ie. u Americans.
That's funny since I'm the farthest thing from a Bush supporter. I certainly don't think I'm his child. What I fail to understand is the connection between the topic of the post and this comment. I hope you weren't extrapolating my penchant for swearing at things I can't control to all Americans.
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