Friday, January 13, 2006


Numbers game

I just bought books for next semester. Two hundred and eighty-nine frickin' dollars for 5 textbooks of average length. I could cry right now.

One of these books comes in a "package," which includes the hardcover textbook and an electronic response pad to be used in class for surveys and mini-quizzes, etc. I have a question for my professor: If you love technology so much, why don't you marry it? Don't get me wrong: I'm all for technology in the classroom, but it still hurts to pay for something that:

a) will be used 14 or fewer times;
b) can't be returned for more than 1/3 of its value at the U bookstore;
c) can't be returned anywhere but at the U bookstore.

I ran into a friend who works at the bookstore. She said there was someone there earlier today who spent $750 on books and school supplies. That was her Christmas present from her parents. Why don't I have parents like that?

Actually, I shouldn't say that. My mom has offered to pay for what I can't cover, but I feel bad asking her for money. I've paid my way through school for the past five years without incurring loans or accepting any monetary assistance from my family (I do live with them without paying rent, though). I'd hate to be like "Hey, give me some money" during my last semester.

I'm gonna return my books in two weeks—by then these same books would have arrived via ebay at more reasonable prices. But I still have to pay tuition by February 15. Don't know how that's gonna happen.

Why is it so darned expensive to get an education these days? What am I supposed to do, sell a kidney or something?

On a slightly happier note, I turned 20 on Monday. My extended family had a bit of a blow-up when they started discussing my culinary skills (or the lack thereof). My grandmother came to my defense and asked my mom and aunts if they knew how to cook at 20. Bad move. My mom was like, "I would like a minute for rebuttal." It was funny that they were getting so worked up about it since I'm not the least bit ashamed of my ineptness in that area. OK maybe a little bit.

On top of everything else, I've fallen in love with Macs and now I want a Powerbook. Or even an iBook. And, of course, I can't afford one right now so that'll have to wait...what, 6-8 months?

Moral of the story: Send some money.

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